1974.  Patty Hearst.  Richard Nixon segueing into Gerald Ford.   The voice of Janis Joplin still echoing through a disappearing counterculture.  Guns.  A young man wandering America not even knowing what he is searching for.  He realizes androids are chasing him.  His friend the underground chemist asks him to hold onto a pod containing a trap door into metachemical dimensions.  And then we're a very long way into a future universe, where artists play on the very fabric of reality in huge deep-space shows whose energy demands are burning up the last of the physical universe.  Every Man Must Build a Home stretches to the end of the universe and contains its own deconstruction, but it returns to simple scenes of a young man playing cribbage with his grandfather, talking about how things used to be, how his grandfather built his house, why he decided to build it where he built it.  


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